
Archive for the ‘Website’ Category

Ten reasons why I explicitly refuse to hear “the other side” of the porn/prostitution debate:

1) Before creating my website Against Pornography (which I had created before this blog), I had compiled many informations I had researched. The research I’d made on pornography and prostitution led me to the conclusion that pornography and prostitution are undeniably harmful and indefensible IMHO because, simply put, the level of harms done to women and children is way too high! Which was my motivation for creating an anti-porn site in the first place. And I’ve compiled the informations I had researched which led me to that conclusion here and there. My anti-pornstitution stance is based on thorough research, not mere guesses. I became an anti-pornstitution feminist due to my research and findings on the harms and there is no going back!

2) You are renouncing your humanity and empathy by refusing to acknowledge the FACTS that human beings are harmed in porn/prostitution and by pornography. This is atrocious and sickening! And this is one of the major reasons why I refuse to hear you. As a fellow anti-porn blogger recently told me: “Pro-porners have labeled themselves “sex positive” in a deliberate conflation of sex with pornography. It allows them to dismiss those who criticize pornography as “sexually repressed.” I, on the other hand, see the pro-porn crowd as ethically repressed, morally bankrupt, self-serving perverts that don’t give a shit who gets hurt as long as they get their masturbatory material.”

3) You wouldn’t go to a pro-abortion site and expect to hear the “other side”. These people are presenting their side! Good debaters take the arguments of their opponents and respond to them, which is exactly what I have done on my website and my blog. The FAQ’s section of my site gives answers to major pro-porn questions and arguments. This is what free speech is about: the right to take a side! There are many pro-porn websites which do not allow us to be heard. I know that there are also “sides of the debate” sites where somebody who is undecided can find both sides going at it. However, this isn’t the case here: I have fully recognized the harms of pornography and prostitution.

4) There are many MORE sites on the Net which defend pornstitution (and so does the mainstream media and culture) so, personally, I do not see anything wrong in having exclusively anti-porn/prostitution sites which fight back and give safe spaces to those who are/have been harmed and to those who understand, recognize or are interested in finding out about the harms (without having to hear the old tired “pornography’s harmless, etc.” arguments we hear in everyday life).

5) As One Angry Girl brilliantly put it in her website’s FAQ: “the “other side of the argument” is sufficiently presented by the bazillion porn sites already on the Internet, which currently outnumber the antiporn sites by about 300 million to one. Since the pornographers don’t feel compelled to present any antiporn arguments among their streaming videos of nasty teen sluts, we aren’t compelled to parrot their nonsense here. But in the spirit of fairness, we’ll offer a compromise: when every porn site on the Internet includes a chapter or two of Andrea Dworkin’s work, then we’ll include some Wendy McElroy here. Sound fair?”

6) Pro-porners and “sex work” advocates have money, corporate media, lobbyists, lawyers, managers, marketeers, industry analysts, paid writers of “opinion” and “journalism”, publicists, etc. to defend their fallacious arguments supporting misogynistic industries.

7) The pro-pornstitution side gets to be heard all the time in the world of pornified media. The pro-pornstitution side is what’s mainstream, not us. My job is to give a voice to people who aren’t heard as often. Radical feminist opponents are censored and repeatedly slandered by pro-porners and most of mainstream media in order to protect the pornography industry.

8 ) In a male-supremacist, capitalist society, the First Amendment protects only those who can exercise the rights it protects. My website and my blog aren’t arguing whether pornography should be protected by the First Amendment or not. The facts that my website and blog show is how pornography keeps women and other people who have been harmed from exercising their rights to free speech. And I’m sick of pro-pornstitution folks acting like their speech is being suppressed during one of the few times we get to be heard!

9) You are making up excuses of “being censored” (while you can have your free speech in more places than us) because you are scared and worried that if people find and read my anti-pornstitution web pages on the Internet and these are not countered with glowing reviews of the ‘sex’ industry, some people might start seeing pornography and prostitution for the detriments these industries are to women and children!

10) As rad fem blogger Captain Vanille recently wrote in her post Language, Definition and Privilege:
” “Pro-free speech” and “anti-censorship” are also misnomers; the vast majority, if not all, of anti-pornography feminists do not advocate censorship as a solution to pornography, but instead education with a goal towards a society-wide boycott of pornography and prostitution. It would appear, then, that the propaganda aimed towards silencing anti-pornography feminists is designed to be against the education of people about pornography; this is perhaps so, but a far more striking implication of this is that pro-pornography people do not want to know the truth about anti-pornography feminists; they simply want to hate us, as has been the historical privilege of the ruling classes. That is the point of all of this. Pro-pornography people are not making these terms and beliefs up to propagandise others against us; they are making these things up for themselves so that they can dismiss us.”

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Just pointing out to other excellent recent critiques of pro-pornstitution “feminism”:

Anji from the Shut Up Sit Down blog has recently posted on Feminism and the Sex Trade, an article within which she makes clear that Support of Pornography and Prostitution Is Not Feminist.

Anji also mentioned blogger Rmott62 – Rebecca (a good friend of mine) is a woman who has escaped prostitution, and speaks about it candidly in her blog. Anji (as well as I) particularly recommend Rebecca’s post I Have Had Enough [a post on which I commented at Rebecca’s blog] which covers many of the same points on pro-pornstitution “feminists” Anji and I did, but from the view of a former prostituted woman. Rebecca also posted a comment about what she thinks of pro-pornstitution “feminists” on my recent blog’s post here. I have also recently posted an essay entitled Lie Dead which was written by Rebecca and which she had emailed me to publish.

My website Against Pornography also has a whole section on women in the sex industry.

Meanwhile, I’m currently preparing a mega post on the sex trade! Because I do not believe it’s fair that pro-porners only want to hear the glamorized malestream corporate media stories of “women who say they love being in prostitution and pornography” while refusing to hear the stories of women who say they have been harmed in porn/prostitution and by porn. How sick and cruel that is!

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I’ve finally decided to start my own blog which is now linked to my web site Against Pornography which was created in 2007. I’ve already made 7 posts on this new Blogger weblog so far (including this one).

I’m pretty much new to the radical feminist blogosphere, so I don’t know how things will go. I’ve never run a blog before.

What I know is I’m gonna try to keep up with any relevant news, and maybe also write a little bit more about how I feel as a rad fem looking at this patriarchal world, and maybe also about a few other subjects which seem interesting to me.

I hope that I’ll get some encouragements, comments, and linkings from other rad fems out there…

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Against Pornography is a feminist anti-pornography website which aims at raising the awareness about the harms of pornography (as well as of prostitution) to women and children — both inside and outside of the industry — and, also, the harms of pornography to its users, to relationships and to the society in general. The goals of this website are also to create a venue for people to speak of the harms of pornography, to encourage them to take action against pornography, to educate them on the dangers of it, and to urge men to reclaim their fantasies from corporate power and regain their humanity.

Pornography is a multi-billion dollar industry. The annual revenue of that industry is $13.3 billion in the U.S. and $97 billion worldwide. What was once called “softcore” pornography is now part of the mainstream media. The sexual objectification of women can be easily noticed on cable TV shows, MTV, reality TV shows, in fashion, advertising, men and women’s magazines, music videos, Hollywood films, video games, etc… At the same time, hardcore pornography has become increasingly more violent, aggressive and misogynistic.

The pornographers have also taken advantages of the latest technological inventions ( DVD’s, the Internet, cell-phones, etc…) to make more profit and increase the sales of their misogynistic material.

Pornography is usually defended in many countries as “freedom of speech” or “freedom of expression”.

Pornography is everywhere! Its sexist, racist, classist — and sometimes homophobic — messages and images have infiltrated the mainstream media and spread throughout the society and culture in America as well as in Great Britain. While the culture is glorifying pornography, a painful truth remains: Women and children are being sexually abused, sexually exploited and sexually victimized at rates that are epidemic! Many people in this society are becoming increasingly desensitized to violence.

Within such an overwhelming cultural, societal, technological and environmental “terrorism”, a feminist critique of pornography is needed more than ever. Nevertheless, such a critique is largely censored from the mainstream media. When intelligent, educated, kind, considerate and potentially powerful feminist authors — having with them a pile of evidence of the harms of pornography — want to get their articles published in the mainstream press, they are turned down, in order to protect the pornography business from criticism.

The pornography industry is tied to the mainstream media.

At the same time, many members of the political Left glorify pornography as “sexual freedom”, write articles that vilify radical feminists and accuse them of being in alliance with the Right wing (while, in fact, radical feminists reject the conservative Right’s reactionary ideas). These leftists try to drive many people away from the radical feminist work (feminists’ important books that they have kept on writing, in spite of the censorship the mainstream media has imposed on them). Leftists Should instead face the reality: striving for social justice and defending pornography are two things which are inherently contradictory!

The notion of “freedom of speech” is being used to protect the speech of the oppressor, not the one of the oppressed. The pornographers have hijacked the culture and have met little resistance ( especially due to the lack of information available to the general public). Pornographers have enough money to buy almost anything and make some people “buy” almost anything :

— They have made many people believe that the women who are in pornography are there because they have made a “totally free choice” to be in there, because they love the pornographic sex and have chosen their career among a wide range of opportunities while in fact, the majority of those women were sexually abused when they were children or teenagers and most of them are poor and — contrary to the myth — most do not make a lot of money in the pornography industry while being subjected to coercions, violence, physical and psychological harms, drug addiction as well as health risks inside of this industry.

— They have made many people believe that pornography is all about “First Amendment freedom” and “sexual freedom” while some pornography users — who have been wrongly drawn to porn after absorbing the “It’s a natural thing” cultural myth — are still struggling with the cruel messages and the inhuman, violent and disconnected sexuality pornography is made of.

— They have made many people believe that pornography can serve as a “safety valve” or a “catharsis” for the would-be rapists who would otherwise commit sexual offences, while there is absolutely no empirical research which supports that claim and the empirical social science research that exists, along with the testimonies of many sexual abuse victims and studies on sex offenders, have proven exactly the opposite: pornography makes the thought of rape become a sexual turn-on and makes many men believe that women ask for rape, enjoy pain and/or like sexually callous attitudes toward them. Pornography encourages men to be insensitive to women’s pain and humanity.

The Internet — although it has made pornographic material more available and accessible — has become an invaluable means of communication for radical feminists who want to make their message known to people. This website will also provide useful links and book references.

Pornography is central to the oppression of women. Do not be fooled. Pornography is not about sexual freedom, unless it’s about the sexual freedom for men to use and abuse women. Pornography uses sex as a means for cruelty to women. Do not be fooled. Pornography is nothing personal or private. Pornography is a huge political plot against women! Pornography is a threat to women’s rights, dignity, safety and equality. It does not mean pornography needs to be banned or censored, as it would not be the right answer to the problem. It means people need to get educated on the dangers of pornography so that its consumption decreases and so does its harms!

The whole man-made pornographic system, the entire brutal circle of child abuse, prostitution, rape and battery, has to be overthrown in order to further women’s equality and save empathy in this world…

Women are human beings, not sex objects to be degraded or hurt. SAY NO TO PORNO!

— Home page.

Web site contains sections:


Please visit https://www.againstpornography.org/

I created this website ‘Against Pornography’ all by myself.

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